Oh my goodness where has this past month gone? One minute it is a few days before Thanksgiving and now it is just 1 week until Christmas.
I've had "the cold" 2 times now in the past month (including right now!) sniffle.
I've been doing creative stuff just not posting much because I haven't been taking photos like I should. Sigh...
Here's a quick rundown of what I've been doing--most of it is gifty stuff for friends and family-- I've been knitting--made 2 pairs of fingerless mitts, and 2 hats to go with them. I've also knitted 3.5 pairs of slippers, a sweater for a 2 year old, and a scarf! I need to mention that I have also been playing with my embroidery sewing machine and made 2 sets of coasters, 2 Christmas stockings, a set of cocktail napkins, an apron, candy cane holders and pencil toppers along with a few random ornaments and snowflakes to hang in the window. Oh yeah , a couple dog scarves for Winston too! (wow, I actually have a photo of that!)
Yeah, I've been busy but hey, I've made most of the stuff from my stash of yarn and fabrics so Christmas is going to be really cool but not too expensive. Wahoo!
We have also been having an interesting time with the weather here in Vancouver Washington. Rain, sleet, snow and cold winds. The weathermen have their hands full trying to forecast for this area as we have so many factors they have to keep track of. We are close to the coast, on a river with the windiest gorge that funnels East winds right down on us. We are effected by cold fronts that come out of both Canada and Alaska. Oh and moisture that comes streaming out of the pacific!
No school today and who knows about tomorrow? Tomorrow is the last day before winter break and we are supposed to have our faculty holiday breakfast. Always a fun time with good friends and loads of yummy food to get us ready for the day of chaos. We shall see... If I can get motivated to do It I may just get some photos of the projects I've been working on and get them posted!
cheers and do something creative today!
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