Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Morning Sketch Challenge EDM 52

Draw your dog.

HUm...Trying to draw a terrier is a challenge in more ways than one. He's got loads of energy in the morning, gotta check out all the new sights, sounds and smells that have occured overnight!

I started drawing him with his head up then he stands up turns around and lays down the opposite direction with his head on his paws. Sigh, so I started again. This time I caught him before he jumped up and started barking at the birds outside the window.

Yes, this is the infamous Winston of the broccoli story yesterday. He really is a love and a cuddler and I wouldn't trade him for any other kind of dog in the world. :)

Before it gets too warm I think we'll have just enough time for a walk and maybe some sketching time in the back yard...

happy Friday! cheers, SB


Deb said...

I absolutely adore this!!! The two different head directions are so typical of terriers! Not that they are double headed ( lol ), but always on the move. I applaud you for being quick on the draw. I think you captured him wonderfully!!!!

Ann said...

Great drawing and such a cute dog! The way you are going,you are going to be through that challenge list in no time!

Spinneretta said...

I like it... great job. More than one pose captures the action of the dog :)

lyn said...

Nice blog, cute lil dog drawing

kazumiwannabe said...

Cute dog! Love how you captured the movement in your drawing.

Mark said...

Great Drawing of a Westie!!
I know exactly what you mean about curious.
Keep up with your wonderful drawings.